Peter Dutton and the LNP: A Comprehensive Overview of Controversies and Allegations

 Fasten your seatbelts, dear readers, as we embark on a journey through the labyrinth of Australian politics. This blog post explores the controversies and alleged ethical lapses surrounding Peter Dutton and the Liberal-National Coalition (LNP). This story could redefine Australia's political landscape for generations to come.

Peter Dutton: A 23-Year Political Career Marked by Controversy

Peter Dutton, a prominent figure in the Liberal Party, has served in Australian politics for over two decades. During this time, he has held various ministerial positions and is currently the Opposition Leader. Dutton's career has been marked by a series of controversies, which have led to questions about his suitability for the nation's top job.

Key controversies associated with Peter Dutton:

  • Misogynistic and insensitive comments: Dutton has been criticised for misogynistic remarks, such as telling a female minister to get "On your broomstick" . He also made light of rising sea levels in Pacific nations.
  • Racial remarks and actions: Dutton has been accused of racism for his comments about Sudanese gangs, Muslim candidates, and Lebanese refugees. He also walked out of the Apology to the Stolen Generations.
  • Intervention in visa cases: Dutton has been criticised for intervening in visa cases, including those of au pairs.
  • Bullying and attacks on journalists: Dutton has been accused of bullying and attacking journalists, including calling one a "mad fucking witch" in a text message intended for someone else.
  • Policies towards asylum seekers: Dutton has been associated with harsh policies towards asylum seekers, including the Biloela family.
  • Financial interests: Questions have been raised about Dutton's financial interests, including his family trust's operation of childcare centres and his failure to initially declare a shopping centre purchase.
  • Actions as Defence Minister: While Defence Minister, Dutton tried to have a book exposing alleged war crimes banned.

Michelle Pini and Belinda Jones from Independent Australia have compiled a list of reasons why Dutton is unfit to be PM, citing instances of misogyny, support for policies benefiting businesses over individuals, and historical actions regarding refugees and Indigenous Australians.

LNP: A History of Scandals and Misconduct

The Liberal-National Coalition has faced numerous allegations of misconduct, corruption, and policy failures. These include:

  • Misuse of public funds: The LNP has been accused of misusing taxpayer money, often directed towards marginal electorates or private companies. Examples include grants for Coalition-held electorates, a payment to Foxtel to promote women's sport, and expenses claimed by Barnaby Joyce as Special Envoy for Drought.
  • Questionable political appointments: Concerns have been raised about appointments based on political affiliation rather than merit.
  • Lack of transparency and accountability: The LNP has been criticised for withholding information from the public and resisting scrutiny.
  • Inappropriate behaviour of members: Allegations against members include sexual misconduct and offensive remarks.
  • Harsh policies towards asylum seekers and refugees.
  • Policy failures and broken promises. For example, the Coalition government:
  • Broke an election promise to cut the company tax rate by 1.5%.
  • Broke an election promise to introduce a new paid parental scheme.
  • Broke an election promise to conduct and publish a cost-benefit analysis for all infrastructure projects over $100 million.
  • Broke an election promise to not change GST, by removing the exemption for online purchases.
  • Illegally mislead voters by creating dozens of Facebook pages for fictional institutes and pages with deceptively similar names to real organisations, to attack a Labor minister, without any of the legally required notices stating that the message really comes from the government.
  • A pattern of behavior in the Coalition Government which is unethical and/or corrupt and impacts Australian society in a way that undermines citizens’ rights, democracy and Australia’s international reputation.

Specific incidents and Allegations

Several specific incidents have drawn scrutiny:

  • Water Buyback Scandal: Barnaby Joyce's approval of an $80 million water buy-back from a company linked to Angus Taylor was criticised due to the beneficiaries and the company's registration in the Cayman Islands.
  • Au Pair Intervention: Peter Dutton's intervention in granting visas to au pairs was seen as favoritism.
  • Foxtel Funding: The $30 million payment to Foxtel was questioned due to a lack of transparency about how the funds were spent and a perceived decline in women's sports coverage.


The provided sources present a range of allegations and criticisms against Peter Dutton and the Liberal and National parties. These include financial impropriety, ethical questions, and a lack of transparency. It's up to every citizen to stay informed, ask tough questions, and hold their leaders accountable.
